Even when you have a credit card with low interest in your pocket, it is better to just keep your sanity intact and be in control if you really want to improve your finances. You shouldn’t have to be reminded what got you here in the first place. So if you are thinking of splurging, hold that thought and try to recall for what you got your credit card for no credit to begin with. These are there to help you out and guide you to achieve a better financial position. Don’t Refrain From Paying More Than Just The Minimum Whenever you make your monthly credit card payments, you come across a set minimum amount that you can pay. This is just there so you can avoid late fees and that prevents you from losing your incentives. Now, the right way to go about it is to use this facility for the month where you feel you are heading towards tighter days. When you are on a limited budget, you should aim for just the minimum but it is never a wise idea to stretch that over a long p...
When Repaying Your Debt Is Hard Are you sinking into overwhelming debt? It is extremely simple to let that happen. As a beginner cardholder, you start out with a very low credit card limit. But as time passes by it typically rises. This is what makes overcharging all the more lucrative. This makes paying down debt even more difficult because of the rising balance, the compounding interest and increase in your payments. We All Know That Debts Affect Our Credit Score But How? Shouldn’t it be the reason for financial institutions to go easy on us? They should understand that we are going through a financial crisis and that we are honest, hardworking beings who are going to repay their money sooner or later with the interest. Well, this might be true but sadly it is not how the world functions. Your credit score is very important and yet easily affected by your debt. Owning a Mastercard credit card or a no interest rate credit card might prove to be useful in ge...